Editorial Services
Do you need a ghost?
Many people are better at talking about their memories, than writing them down. If that’s you, why not think about having a ghost writer? Click here to find out exactly what a ghost writer does, and how we may help you.

Shrewd, well-informed and fun to work with, Rebecca draws on long experience as a biographer, journalist and broadcaster. A great help to aspiring writers. I warmly recommend her.
Creative Writing Workshops
Rebecca de Saintonge and her team are experienced in running creative writing workshops and some of the best take place in an informal atmosphere with just a few participants. If you would be interested in attending a workshop, and could muster a group of no less than four, and no more than about ten, then do get in touch, and we can talk about getting one going in your area. A full day is best. You can find out more about costs here. Email us on
If you want to market your book, then we can advise you about getting an ISBN number. Copies of all books that are available to the public - whether or not they have an ISBN number - have to be deposited with The British Library. You can find all you need to know here.
LifeLines Press does not undertake any marketing, or give marketing advice, except to say that it's hard work, and you need to research the possibilities of finding good outlets very carefully before embarking on such a project.